Introducing Christopher Nolan


This is Christopher Nolan.

If you’re not impressed yet, you will be.

Christopher Nolan’s film studies began when he first picked up his father’s Super-8 camera as a child. Instead of going to film school, he studied English Literature at the University College London, where he was part of a film club that helped him hone the guerilla techniques he would incorporate into his first film ventures, Following and Memento. 

Christopher Nolan is widely respected for his abilities because he was self-taught, a vital factor to consider in the making of his later films. His first film, Following, was filmed on weekends for a year, on a budget of only $6,000.

He used his friends as actors, natural lighting, and as many budget-slimming techniques as he could think of. He did all the camerawork himself.

The film showed at several international film festivals even before wide release.

It grossed $43,000.

This blog will delve deep into the Nolan film universe, studying the techniques, traditions, and styles that consistently show up in his filmmaking. Nolan manages to use the same style to consistently surprise and delight his audiences, whether in small, independent films like Following or behemoth blockbusters like The Dark Knight.

The more you study the intricacies of his films, the more secrets you uncover.

Are you watching closely?

One thought on “Introducing Christopher Nolan

  1. Pierrot says:

    I am also a big fan of christopher nolan, he changed the way i view films, and inspired me to become a filmmaker.. i am also a self-taught filmmaker, and studied his films.. i too hope i can be like him, make films that people will debate and change how people will watch films..

    anyway, great blog. keep it up! 🙂

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